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Monday, January 19, 2009

We Want Your Opinion


  1. I only vote for the 60 minute show because there wasn't a 2 hour option:)

    Maybe in the true spirit of being a little bit naughty, you should make your show 69 minutes. Hehe.

  2. I am torn between what time y'all should air your show. I sometimes have a hard time trying to catch it in the afternoon. I would love for this to be an evening show. I also think the show should be an hour. I enjoyed Monday's show so much. I could identify with a lot of what you touched on. I suffered from severe depression during my last pregnancy. It was awful. Please keep up the show. I like it because you girls are real, and we need a lot more of that.


Get Uncorked: Jan 12th 11am PST

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